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Feng Shui Floor Plan Analysis - S$ 128

The Floor Plan Analysis will be conducted over ZOOM meeting (online video call).


This session will take approximately 20-30 minutes.

As the name implies, this Feng Shui Floor Plan Analysis will be done solely based on your house floorplan.


The objective is as follows:


  • Identify premises direction (Facing & Sitting)

  • Identify your wealth, charisma, health and identity palace

  • Identify the general and main area of concerns which can be identified from your floor plan.

  • Explain to you the impacts of these area of concerns (should there be any)

Now, this is NOT a full-fledge Feng Shui assessment.


You can treat this session like a health check-up for your house, of which by the end of the check-up you can either get a PEACE OF MIND that your house is in a ‘healthy’ condition  OR  you’ll be aware of any ‘sickness’ that might require further check-up or medications.

Either way, you will benefit from this session with more CLARITY of what is in store for you.

Now, there are only 3 simple steps to proceed with this.


Step 1

If you don’t already know what is your house facing direction, you may refer to this link to get the facing direction. We will require the house facing degree for the analysis.


Step 2

Kindly email us a copy of your house floor plan (to-scale) in PDF or JPEG format along with the house facing degree that you’ve obtained.


Step 3

Upon receiving and reviewing your floor plan, we will schedule the online ZOOM meeting with you on your preferred day and time.

For faster and smoother communication, it would be great if we can communicate via whatsapp chat.

 WhatsApp +65 8772 3386 to book your session today!

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